Learning Vocabularies through Semantic Mapping Strategy


  • Fakhir Omar Mohammed Dept. of English languages, Faculty of Humanities, University of Zakho, Kurdistan Region-Iraq.
  • Sanan Shero Malo Dept. of English languages, Faculty of Humanities, University of Zakho, Kurdistan Region-Iraq.




: learning vocabularies, students, awareness, word map


This paper aimed at studying the effect of semantic map (also known as mind map) on the students’ awareness and mastery of new vocabulary on different topics. The study is based on data collected from pre and post-tests administered to a sample of third year students form Dept. of English, Faculty of Humanities, University of Zakho. The study has adopted Gunning strategy (1992) in applying the effect of word mapping on students’ learning vocabularies. The data collected were analysed using Software SPSS. Finally, the paper concluded that such strategy had no effect on the students’ learning vocabulary.

Author Biographies

Fakhir Omar Mohammed, Dept. of English languages, Faculty of Humanities, University of Zakho, Kurdistan Region-Iraq.

Dept. of English languages, Faculty of Humanities, University of Zakho, Kurdistan Region-Iraq.

Sanan Shero Malo, Dept. of English languages, Faculty of Humanities, University of Zakho, Kurdistan Region-Iraq.

Dept. of English languages, Faculty of Humanities, University of Zakho, Kurdistan Region-Iraq.


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How to Cite

Mohammed, F. ., & Malo, S. . (2020). Learning Vocabularies through Semantic Mapping Strategy. Humanities Journal of University of Zakho, 8(2), 332–336. https://doi.org/10.26436/hjuoz.2020.8.2.607



Humanities Journal of University of Zakho