Peer review process

Peer Review Process

  • All manuscripts submitted for publication in HJOUZ are strictly and thoroughly peer-reviewed. The review process is double blind. If the manuscript is accepted for full review, it will be reviewed by a minimum of two external reviewers.
  • Submitted manuscripts will undergo an initial check including a Plagiarism Check in the Editorial Office.  Turnitin software is used for checking plagiarism. As well as, any manuscrip.
  • After the manuscript is accepted for full review, the Editor will send the manuscript to at least two reviews after they accept to review the manuscript and register with the HJUOZ system as a reviewer. After passing 2 – 4 weeks, the Editor will collect the reviewers’ comments and prepare a decision letter based on the comments of the reviewers. The decision letter will be sent to the Corresponding Author to request an adequate action. In addition, the Authors will see the reviewers’ comments and the decision letter in their account page at the HJUOZ system. In the case of the acceptance, the author will be asked to format the manuscript according to HJUOZ template before it goes into typesetting and proofreading with the publisher. The author will receive the paper in PDF produced by HJUOZ for checking before it is published online. In brief, the review process at HJUOZ and details of the submitted manuscript are stated below.
  • Preliminary review
  • reviewer selection
  • writing the decision letter including
  • What should be considered?
    Before agreeing to review for a journal, Reviewers should take note of the following:
    • Let the editor know if your expertise and/or fields of interest cover the topic of the manuscript.
    • Decline an invitation to review if there is a conflict of interest with one of the authors. Conflicts of interest may include relationships with academic advisors and/ or advisees, anyone at your current institution, members of your family, or people with whom you have collaborated during the last ten years.
    • When declining a review, feel free to provide the contact information of a person who would be qualified to review the manuscript.
    • Upon accepting an invitation, you will have two weeks to complete your review. Reviewers that don’t reply on time will be excluded from the Database of Reviewers.