Sense as a source of knowledge A mental critical study of John Locke's empiricism


  • Ali A. Mustafa Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Zakho, Kurdistan Region - Iraq.
  • Amad K. Mohammed Saleh Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Zakho, Kurdistan Region - Iraq.



John Locke, experimental philosophy, sense, mental philosophy, common sense.


The research aims to present the empirical vision of the pioneer of its philosophy in the modern era, John Locke, because he is the theorist of it, and because it the only way which the West locking to the world, and the importance and impact of this philosophy on the skopos vision of man and his relationship with the world, in the both dimensions. Therefore, it’s necessary to provide a rational criticism to this philosophy, in a critical analytical study, with the experimental and mental evidence, and obliging the opposite party which adopt the empiricism. It was concluded that the empirical philosophy has their bears factors that refute it internally, which it cannot prove its claim through experience. In addition to, John Locke believes in a specific experience which the mind has an effective and essential role in determining its features, and denies the basic mental necessities, and proves -at the same time- the existence of the Creator and the sense of human self, which relies in the folds of his conclusion on the innate law of causation. And this philosophy dependent on an incomplete induction that measures the absent on the witness, it can be rejected as just an experiment that did not have the opportunity to find examples contrary to it, and therefore the certainty sought by John Locke is abstained. And the anthropological surveys conducted on children proved that at very early stages they realize the innate principles and the existence of a supreme being.



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How to Cite

Mustafa, A., & Mohammed Saleh, A. (2024). Sense as a source of knowledge A mental critical study of John Locke’s empiricism. Humanities Journal of University of Zakho, 12(2), 249–259.



Humanities Journal of University of Zakho