The role of dimensions of Informational Awareness in the effectiveness Strategic Decisions An exploratory study of the views of a sample of the administrative leaders at the University of Zakho


  • Chiya I. Dino Department of Business Administration, Technical Institute Zakho, Kurdistan Region of Iraq.
  • Ali A. Abdullah College of Administration & Economic-University of zakho, Kurdistan region iraq.
  • Rush I. Mohammed College of Administration & Economic-University of zakho, Kurdistan region iraq.



Information awareness, Technical awareness, Awareness of information sources, Awareness of information use, Awareness of continuous learning, Strategic decisions


The current research aims to identify the role of informational awareness in the effectiveness strategic decisions among the administrative leaders at University of Zakho. The availability of Informational Awareness is the most prominent challenges facing business organizations to its strategic role in achieving outstanding performance and sustainability of the survival and success in the fields of employment. In order to answer the research questions that were raised in the research problem, the study adopted a model by default to measure the nature of the relationship and impact between variables (independent and accredited), and on the basis of that was to formulate a set of the main hypotheses that has been tested adoption of the statistical programming (SPSS) for data that was obtained via questionnaire prepared for this purpose, and through Answers individuals in mentioned university the questions contained on the role of dimensions of Informational Awareness in effectiveness Strategic Decisions, was reached among the findings, most notably the following: the more the administrative leaders of the University of Zakho have acquired information awareness, the more they will be able to make effective strategic decisions that will achieve the desired organization's objectives. Among the most important suggestions made by the researchers: The need for the university administration to maintain the sustainability of the dissemination of a culture of information awareness among its members in general and its administrative leaders in particular, including in the mission of the University as well as the organization of training programs and workshops.

Author Biographies

Chiya I. Dino, Department of Business Administration, Technical Institute Zakho, Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

Department of Business Administration, Technical Institute Zakho, Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

Ali A. Abdullah, College of Administration & Economic-University of zakho, Kurdistan region iraq.

College of Administration & Economic-University of zakho, Kurdistan region iraq.

Rush I. Mohammed, College of Administration & Economic-University of zakho, Kurdistan region iraq.

College of Administration & Economic-University of zakho, Kurdistan region iraq.


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How to Cite

Dino, C. I., Abdullah, A. A., & Mohammed, R. I. (2019). The role of dimensions of Informational Awareness in the effectiveness Strategic Decisions An exploratory study of the views of a sample of the administrative leaders at the University of Zakho. Humanities Journal of University of Zakho, 7(2), 226–244.



Humanities Journal of University of Zakho