Requirements for the application of business Operation reengineering and its role in continuous improvement "A survey of the opinions of the Managers at the Hammam al-Aalil Cement Factory in Ninawa Governorate"


  • Khder Kh. Shekho Technical Institute Zakho, Department of Hospital Management, Duhok Technical University, Kurdistan Region - Iraq.



Business Operation reengineering requirements, Operation reengineering concept, continuous improvement concept, , continuous improvement


The current research aims to assess the role of business Operation reengineering requirements in continuous improvement by adopting five procedural requirements (strategy, senior management commitment, information technology, communication, and employee empowerment) and their role in continuous improvement in industrial organizations. The Hammam al-Aalil Cement Plant was selected (40) questionnaires were distributed to managers at all administrative levels. In order to achieve the objectives and hypotheses of the research, a default model of research was developed, which shows the nature of the relationship between the independent variables and the research criteria. Based on the description of the research variables and their diagnosis and the testing of correlation and impact relationships, a number of conclusions were reached which confirmed the existence of a significant correlation between the requirements of applying business Operation reengineering and continuous improvement in the investigated organization. In light of its findings, the research presented a number of proposals, most notably the need to invest the benefits of proper application of business Operation reengineering requirements as a method of continuous improvement in industrial organizations.

Author Biography

Khder Kh. Shekho, Technical Institute Zakho, Department of Hospital Management, Duhok Technical University, Kurdistan Region - Iraq.

Technical Institute Zakho, Department of Hospital Management, Duhok Technical University, Kurdistan Region - Iraq.


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How to Cite

Shekho, K. K. (2019). Requirements for the application of business Operation reengineering and its role in continuous improvement "A survey of the opinions of the Managers at the Hammam al-Aalil Cement Factory in Ninawa Governorate". Humanities Journal of University of Zakho, 7(2), 245–262.



Humanities Journal of University of Zakho