The role of strategic vigilance in achieving strategic success

An exploratory study of the views of a sample of administrative leaders at Chihan University of Erbil


  • Mahmoud M. Amin Othman Department of Total Quality Management, Ukrainian Technical Institute, Duhok Technical University, Kurdistan Region - Iraq.
  • Kulthum Q. Karsu Department of Business Administration, EMEDI Technical Institute, Duhok Technical University, Kurdistan Region - Iraq.



Vigilance, Strategic Vigilance, Competitive vigilance, Commercial vigilance, Technological vigilance, Surrounding vigilance, Strategic success


The study aims to determine the nature of effect and correlation between strategic vigilance and strategic success in Cihan University- Erbil, the study relied on the questionnaire consisted of (30) items, in order to measure the dimensions and variables of the study, according to Likert scale with five weights. As a mechanism for this study to achieve its objectives, two main hypothesis have been placed, assumed that there is a significant correlation between the strategic vigilance and strategic success dimensions (collectively and individually), and having a significant effect for the strategic vigilance on strategic success dimensions (collectively and individually) in Cihan University. The questionnaire was distributed to the surveyed individuals and they were exclusively administrative leaders, non-random sample has been chosen and (45) questionnaires have been distributed (39) of them were returned and valid for analysis, the response rate was (68%). The study used statistical methods for data processing and analyzing them by adopting (SPSS) program. The most important result was an agreement on the availability of strategic vigilance in surveyed university with a strong rate. And agreement on the availability of the strategic success dimensions with a good percentage at the surveyed university. As well as a significant correlation between strategic vigilance and strategic success dimensions. And strategic vigilance effects on strategic success dimensions.The study recommends the surveyed university to adopt a system for the delivery of customer complaints and opinions to improve its performance over its competitors. And provide an appropriate environment for innovative employees and encourage them, and to introduce of new ideas and try to implement them.

Author Biographies

Mahmoud M. Amin Othman, Department of Total Quality Management, Ukrainian Technical Institute, Duhok Technical University, Kurdistan Region - Iraq.

Department of Total Quality Management, Ukrainian Technical Institute, Duhok Technical University, Kurdistan Region - Iraq.

Kulthum Q. Karsu, Department of Business Administration, EMEDI Technical Institute, Duhok Technical University, Kurdistan Region - Iraq.

Department of Business Administration, EMEDI Technical Institute, Duhok Technical University, Kurdistan Region - Iraq.


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How to Cite

Amin , M. ., & Karsu, K. . (2021). The role of strategic vigilance in achieving strategic success: An exploratory study of the views of a sample of administrative leaders at Chihan University of Erbil. Humanities Journal of University of Zakho, 9(1), 167–184.



Humanities Journal of University of Zakho