Effect of the strategy of thinking, pairing, and participating on the cognitive achievement of volleyball


  • Mohammed M. Mohammed University of Zakho
  • Charwan J. Hameed
  • Safad M. Mohammed




The strategy of thinking, pairing, and participating, cognitive achievement, and volleyball


The aim of the research is to find the effect of the strategy of (thinking, pairing, and participating) on the cognitive achievement in volleyball. The researchers used the experimental method in their current research because it fits the requirements of their research. The research was conducted on a sample of students of the fourth year of education, in the faculty of education, department of physical education, University of Zakho for the academic year (2017-2018). After that 40 students were selected by 20 students for each experimental group. The experimental group applied a strategy of (thinking, pairing, and participating) and the control group followed the traditional pattern. The homogeneity of the research sample was verified before the program was applied, and that in terms of (Intelligence, age, cognitive achievement of volleyball). The researchers used the experimental design called (random group design for the choice of equivalence with pre-test and post-test). The methods used to collect the data were the cognitive test designed by the researchers, and the researchers relied on the following statistical methods (arithmetic mean, median, standard deviation, ease coefficient, difficulty coefficient, strength of excellence, T-tests, Percentages, code-Recharion equation). The researchers concluded that (thinking, pairing, and participating) strategy contributed positively to the level of cognitive attainment of volleyball for the experimental group members. The traditional method (explanation and model) contributed positively to the level of cognitive knowledge of volleyball for control group members. There is an impact of both, the strategy of (thinking, pairing, and participating) and the traditional method on cognitive attainment of volleyball. However, the impact of the (thinking, pairing, and participating) strategy is greater than that of the traditional method, which indicate the priority of the (thinking, pairing, and participating) strategy used in volleyball.

Author Biographies

Mohammed M. Mohammed, University of Zakho

University of Zakho

Charwan J. Hameed

University of Duhok

Safad M. Mohammed

University of Zakho


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How to Cite

Mohammed, M. M., Hameed, C. J., & Mohammed, S. M. (2019). Effect of the strategy of thinking, pairing, and participating on the cognitive achievement of volleyball. Humanities Journal of University of Zakho, 7(3), 349–363. https://doi.org/10.26436/hjuoz.2019.7.3.520



Humanities Journal of University of Zakho