The role of application “My Account” project as one of the digital transformation mechanisms in achieving financial inclusion in the Kurdistan Regional Government – Iraq
An analytical study on a number of government and private banks in Dohuk Governorate
My Account project, digital transformation, financial inclusion, Kurdistan Regional Government – Iraq.Abstract
The current research aims to identify the role of application “My Account” project as one of the digital transformation mechanisms in achieving financial inclusion in the Kurdistan Regional Government, and shedding light on the mechanisms for application “My Account” project as one of the digital transformation mechanisms and improving it in a way that achieves financial inclusion. As well as researching the importance and necessity of achieving financial inclusion with the aim of getting rid of the problem of the financial crisis in the region, especially the problem of the salaries of regional government employees. The research relied on the field method for collecting data through statistical analysis and using SPSS23 programs for data on 47 questionnaire forms obtained from the research sample, which is represented in four categories: bank managers, administrative managers, accountants, and IT employees in government and private banks in Dohuk Governorate, in order to test the research hypotheses. The research reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which are: The results that there is a strong impact of application “My Account” project as one of the digital transformation mechanisms in achieving financial inclusion. Accordingly, it can be said that the correct application of “My Account” project will have a positive impact on achieving financial inclusion and thus will be an effective factor in stabilizing the financial situation and resolve the financial crisis. The results also demonstrated that the government financial system in the region is traditional, especially in terms of the financial services provided by the system to employees, and this needs to be developed and transformed into a digital system in response to the global digital environment that achieves financial inclusion. The research presented a number of recommendations, the most important of which is the necessity of application “My Account” project in the correct manner and in proportion to the requirements and needs of the employees and citizens of the regional government and as quickly as possible, with the aim of achieving financial inclusion in general and ending the salary problem in particular. Work should also be done to restore confidence among citizens in the region to persuade them to deal with banks, especially in terms of electronic banking services and transactions, in order to achieve financial inclusion successfully
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