The role of the general budget in reducing poverty and unemployment levels in iraq for the period (2010-2020)
Public revenues, Public expenditures, Public budget, Poverty, Unemployment.Abstract
The research aims to determine the role of individual public revenues and expenditures in the budget of the Federal Republic of Iraq in reducing poverty and the unemployment rate in the period (2010-2020). To achieve the goal of the research, a descriptive analytical method was used based on data, statistics, official information, and charts published on the websites of the Central Bank of Iraq, the Ministry of Finance, and the Iraqi Ministry of Planning. The research concluded that revenues from the oil sector represent the largest percentage of the total state revenues in the period under study (2010-2020), as well as growth and imbalance in public expenditures, as current expenditures represent the largest share of public expenditures. This reflects the nature of capital expenditure and it’s declining value, and it became clear during the study period that there is a noticeable imbalance in the general budget of Iraq represented by a deficit in most of the analyzed periods due to the war with ISIS, fluctuations in oil prices and security instability. Finally, a conclusion was reached that unemployment rates Poverty indicators have an inverse relationship with public expenditures, since an increase in public expenditures leads to an increase in investment and thus a reduction in poverty and unemployment rates, and this is consistent with the research hypothesis.
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