The impact of customer citizenship behavior on enhancing marketing capabilities An analytical study of the opinions of managers in a number of private health institutions in Dohuk governorate


  • Ihsan Mohsen Hussein Department of Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Management and Economics, Zakho University, Kurdistan Region-Iraq.



سلوك مواطنة الزبون، القدرات التسويقية، مواطنة الزبون، التسويق، المواطنة



The purpose of the research is to know the impact of the customer citizenship behavior on enhancing marketing capabilities, and given the importance of the health sector in the life of the individual, the study was conducted in a number of private health institutions in the governorate of Dohuk. The research also assumed that there is a correlation and impact relationship with statistical significance between the variables of customer citizenship behavior and marketing capabilities in the health institutions surveyed. The questionnaire was used as a means of data collection, which was distributed to a number of health institutions surveyed, where (50) forms were distributed and (45) valid forms were retrieved for analysis To analyze the data, the SPSS Version 22 program was used, through which frequencies, percentages, arithmetic means and standard deviation were obtained for use in describing and analyzing the research variables and diagnosing them. The significance of the effect of the independent variable on customer citizenship behavior on the dependent variable, marketing capabilities. The research reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which is showing that the marketing capabilities are difficult for competitors to imitate due to their connection to the institution’s history, culture, experience and experiences, and thus it will achieve a sustainable competitive advantage for the institution. The services provided and how to develop them


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How to Cite

Hussein, I. (2022). The impact of customer citizenship behavior on enhancing marketing capabilities An analytical study of the opinions of managers in a number of private health institutions in Dohuk governorate. Humanities Journal of University of Zakho, 10(4), 1015–1030.



Humanities Journal of University of Zakho