The Fist American interests in china 1784- 1844


  • Laila Y. Al-Amir university of basra
  • Feraqed D. Al-Shalal university of basra



The research deals with American interest in china . The United States joined compelition field in Asian Seas , Later than the other urpian Cantries , because it was engrossed in war against Britain that ended with its independence in 1783 . In the next year china became member of developed countries to ward eastern world, the arrival of American commercial vessel ( Empress of china ) to Canton port , was one of the manifestation of trade with china . The American congress issued sets of decisions concerned with decreasing customs duties on imported goods on American board that coming from china to encourage American trade . American contributed like Britain in opium trade, and when china banned opium trade , American Standed by Britain in the first opium war ( 1839 – 1842 ) which ended enforcing china to make ( Nanking Treaty ) , and the Later disgraced Manchu regin of china . Alike Britain U. S. A. enforced china to make ( wang Hia Treaty ) in 1844 , which formed very clear violatior of the regin of china and its Judicial , religious and authorities .

Author Biographies

Laila Y. Al-Amir, university of basra

Department of History, College of Education for Girls, University of Basra - Iraq

Feraqed D. Al-Shalal, university of basra

Department of History, Center for Studies of Basra and the Arabian Gulf, University of Basra - Iraq



How to Cite

Al-Amir, L. Y., & Al-Shalal, F. D. (2013). The Fist American interests in china 1784- 1844. Humanities Journal of University of Zakho, 1(1), 383–393.



Humanities Journal of University of Zakho