The impact of the Saudi-British dispute on the borders of the Buraimi region on the interests of American oil companies 1933-1954


  • Ayhan Jaafar Mohammed Taher History Department, College of Basic Education, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.



البريمي, المصالح النفطية الأمريكية, الخلافات الحدودية, ارامكو


Border disputes arose in the Gulf region after the discovery of oil there,  and one of the dispute was on the Buraimi region among the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, the Sultanate of Muscat and Oman, and the year 1933 was identified as the beginning of the search, because it was the year in which the American Standard of California company obtained an oil concession in  Saudi Arabia, and the year 1954 was the year when the research ended, and  it is the year in which Britain and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia reached an agreement, according to which the dispute is referred to an international arbitration board for a consideration and a solution.  The subject of the research period witnessed important developments after the entry of the American oil companies to the Gulf, and their competition with British oil companies in areas that have border disputes, and its reflection on the positions of the American and British governments, and their attempts to end these disputes and find appropriate solutions to them while preserving their oil interests.

Author Biography

Ayhan Jaafar Mohammed Taher, History Department, College of Basic Education, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

History Department, College of Basic Education, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


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بعد أن أبرمت الحكومة السعودية إتفاقية مع شركة النفط الأمريكية ستاندارد أويل أوف كاليفورنيا”، منحت إمتياز آخر لفرع شركة سوكال “Socal Company” عام 1933، يحمل إسم كاليفورنيا-ارابيان ستاندارد اويل كومباني “California-Arabian Standard Oil Company”، وعدل الإسم في كانون الثاني 1944 إلى أرابيان أمريكان أويل كومباني Arabian-American Oil Company وإختصر بإسم ارامكو، وفي عام 1948 توزعت أسهم ارامكو بالشكل التالي شركة سوكال (30%) وشركة تكساكو (30%) وشركة ستاندارد أويل أوف نيوجرسي (30%) وموبيل أويل (10%). ينظر: أليكسي فاسيلييف، المصدر السابق، الطبعة الرابعة، بيروت، 2003، ص ص419-441.
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المصدر نفسه، ص ص419-420.
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The Ambassador in Saudi Arabia (Wadsworth) to the Department of State, March 9, 1954, FRUS, Ibid, PP. 2581-2582.
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Officer in Charge of Arabian Peninsula-Iraq Affairs (Fritzlan), March 10, 1954, FRUS, Ibid, PP. 2583-2587.
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia, March 16, 1954, FRUS, Ibid, PP. 2589-2590.
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Officer in Charge of Arabian Peninsula-Iraq Affairs (Fritzlan), March 31, FRUS, Ibid, PP. 2583-2587.
The Ambassador in Saudi Arabia (Wadsworth) to the Department of State, April 6, 1954, FRUS, Ibid, PP. 2597-2598.
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia, April 14, 1954, FRUS, Ibid, PP. 2598-2600.
Fn, FRUS, Ibid, PP. 2602.
The Ambassador in Saudi Arabia (Wadsworth) to the Department of State, April 15, 1954, FRUS, Ibid, PP. 2600-2601.
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia, April 14, 1954, FRUS, Ibid, PP. 2598-2600.
The Ambassador in Saudi Arabia (Wadsworth) to the Department of State, April 15, 1954, FRUS, Ibid, PP. 2600-2601.
The Acting Secretary of State to the Consulate General at Dhahran, April 29, 1954, FRUS, Ibid, P. 2604.
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Turkey, May 14, 1954, FRUS, Ibid, PP. 2605-2606.
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom, May 22, 1954, FRUS, Ibid, PP. 2606-2608.
Fn, FRUS, Ibid, P. 2607.
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom, May 22, 1954, FRUS, Ibid, PP. 2606-2608.
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Aldrich) to the Department of State, May 24, 1954, FRUS, Ibid, PP. 2608-2609.
Fn, FRUS, Ibid, P. 2611.
The Ambassador in Saudi Arabia (Wadsworth) to the Department of State, June 6, 1954, FRUS, Ibid, PP. 2611-2612.
عرض المملكة العربية السعودية، المصدر السابق، ص ص436-437.
J. B. KELLY, Op. Cit, P. 172.
The Ambassador in Saudi Arabia (Wadsworth) to the Department of State, July 31, 1954, FRUS, Ibid, PP. 2614-2615.
عقد الإجتماع الأول للمحكمة في مدينة نيس الفرنسية يومي الثاني والعشرين والثالث والعشرين من كانون الثاني 1955، وبعدها جرت عدة إجتماعات إلى حين تشرين الأول من نفس العام عندما تعطلت الإجتماعات، فقامت قوة أمنية محلية بقيادة ضباط بريطانيين في السادس والعشرين من تشرين الأول، وبمساعدة مفرزة من قوات القبائل التابعة لإمارة مسقط وأبوظبي بدخول المنطقة، وأجبرت القوات السعودية على الخروج منها، لتفرض بريطانيا سيطرتها على التي كانت محل الخلاف. ينظر: محمد فارس الفارس، المصدر السابق، ص236.



How to Cite

Mohammed Taher, A. (2021). The impact of the Saudi-British dispute on the borders of the Buraimi region on the interests of American oil companies 1933-1954. Humanities Journal of University of Zakho, 9(4), 834–844.



Humanities Journal of University of Zakho