The Embodiment of Mechanisms of the psychological Defense in the text of Kareem Balata’s Kotre


  • Hussein Oth. Abdulrahman Dept. of Kurdish language, faculty of humanities, University of zakho, Kurdistan region-Iraq.



kotre Poem, Defense Mechanisms, Freud, Psychoanalysis, Character (Personality), Social Relationship


The Text of Kurdish poetry is a holder of a poet’s psychological state of the mind. A poet also starts to compose the poem based on his own feelings and emotions, the circumstances that the poet lives in, the events that were occurred, and poet’s ideas. Accordingly, we can say that a poet, as an individual in a society and the owner of his particular personality and feelings, faced to use several mechanisms in which are reflected directly or indirectly in the text during composing the poem in order to protect his personality, hence, it is to be regarded as a psychological defense - mechanism in psychoanalytic criticism (science). Those mechanisms that are used by informing and the help of the ideology of the poet in which they save his personality and leads his mind to be in tranquility and calmness.  This study, entitled (The Embodiment of Mechanisms of the psychological Defense in the text of Kareem Balata’s Kotre), is prepared and it studies the text of the poem based on values of Psychoanalytic criticism. It is worth mentioning that the personality of the poet is embodied and really shown in the text where he is unable to hide his purposes behind his masks. A very accurate reading had been done to figure out that the poet is not only himself but actually leading his readers as well to be aware of his ideology and his psychological state of mind.  Finally, it can be illustrated that the main character of the poem was able to adjust himself well with the around and at the same time is a character who is acceptable and has no psychological disorders. 

Author Biography

Hussein Oth. Abdulrahman, Dept. of Kurdish language, faculty of humanities, University of zakho, Kurdistan region-Iraq.

Dept. of Kurdish language, faculty of humanities, University of zakho, Kurdistan region-Iraq.


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How to Cite

Abdulrahman, . H. (2020). The Embodiment of Mechanisms of the psychological Defense in the text of Kareem Balata’s Kotre. Humanities Journal of University of Zakho, 8(1), 29–41.



Humanities Journal of University of Zakho