Prince ahmed bin marwan, the pioneer of the establishment of humanitarian action in the kurdish marwanide emirate


  • Ali A. Agqu University of Batna 1 / Republic of Algeria.



الإمارة المروانية، الأمير أحمد بن مروان، العمل الإنساني، اللاجئين، حسن الجوار، التعايش السلمي


Prince Nasir al-Dawla Ahmad ibn Marwan (401-453 AH / 1010-1061) is considered one of the most famous princes who successively ruled the Marwanide emirate. His policy was characterized by an advanced humanitarian policy represented in the consolidation of the right to asylum, as he opened the door of the Emirate to receive strangers (refugees), welcoming them, providing a decent living for them and the status of each one of them, and on top of that a pledge not to hand them over to their seekers in any way, until the cities of the Emirate became especially long-term and separated. A safe haven for those who include the king, the prince, the minister, the scholar, the seeker of knowledge and the merchant. With regard to the refugees, we find that the Emir refuses the request for their extradition, whatever the reason, and thus establishes the principle of “non-extradition of refugees”, which was only implemented in the 1951 Convention, that is, after more than 900 years. There is an important issue that counts for this prince, which is his keenness to promote the policy of good neighborliness, non-interference in the internal affairs of countries, and to resolve differences by peaceful means.


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How to Cite

Agqu, A. (2023). Prince ahmed bin marwan, the pioneer of the establishment of humanitarian action in the kurdish marwanide emirate. Humanities Journal of University of Zakho, 11(4), 994–1003.



Humanities Journal of University of Zakho